Leisure & Nature as a focus area in Silkeborg Municipality
The master plan, which is the development of Denmark's Outdoor Capital, is structured around three focus areas; Welfare, Knowledge & Growth and Leisure & Nature. Each focus area has a number of initiatives.
It is Outdoor Institutes responsibility to bring together the actors in the three areas for common, interdisciplinary projects and to contribute with knowledge, inspiration and competences.
Through the action area "Leisure & Nature" we want to support local leisure activities and our unique nature, because much of what gives meaning and happiness to us humans can be found there. We want to use nature actively, but respectfully, because we want to give our children and grandchildren the same opportunity to live the good outdoor life.
"Leisure & Nature" as an action area consists of the following initiatives:
- The Virklund-model
- Nature and sustainability
- Contribute to the realisation of the Outdoor Action Plan 2022 and 2023
The 3 initiatives
The Virklund-model
In Virklund, local enthusiasts (under the auspices of Virklund Boldklub) have succeeded in creating a strong local profile and community based on the outdoors. The Outdoor Institute, in cooperation with the Outdoor Secretariat, will examine Virklund Outdoor as a case and map structures and potentials that can be supported in other local areas that want to use outdoor activities as a lever for increased attractiveness, community, etc. The mapping subsequently can be used by Culture and Citizens' Services in connection with the development of associations.
Nature and sustainability
Silkeborg Municipality owns 1000 hectares of forest and many hundreds of kilometres of watercourses that are open to the public. In cooperation with the Technical and Environmental Department, the Outdoor Institute will prepare a project in 2023 on the use of municipally owned nature, so that even more people use nature, but in a sustainable way. The Outdoor Secretariat is invited to participate in the project to ensure coherence with other efforts.
Contribute to the implementation of the Outdoor Action Plan 2022 and 2023
The Culture, Leisure, Sport and Outdoors Committee adopts an Outdoor Action Plan each year, which is a tool to support the ambitions of, among other things, the Master Plan for the Development of Denmark's Outdoor Capital. Masterplan for udvikling af Danmarks Outdoorhovedstad. The Outdoor Institute will contribute to the realisation of the action plans by supporting the Outdoor Secretariat in a number of concrete actions in the Outdoor Action Plan 2022 and 2023.