Denmark’s Outdoor Festival

Inspiration and knowledge sharing event for professionals, citizens and visitors

A festival promoting outdoor

Sit around the campfire, row a kayak, attend lectures and workshops, climb in the treetops or sleep in a hammock for free.

Danish Outdoor Festival is the meeting place for professionals and visitors with interest in outdoor! Every year it gathers people from all over the country to Denmark's biggest Outdoor Festival.

The festival's mission is to inspire a focus on health and well-being through motion in the outdoor space. They want balance and sustainability between nature, wildlife and people.


Denmark's Outdoor Festival is organized by Outdoor365.

Outdoor365 wants to give even more people the opportunity to get out and do cool outdoor activities through a number of initiatives.

Read more about Denmark's Outdoor Festival

Read more about Outdoor365

Would you like to have more information about the initiative - or get in touch with the people behind it?

Write to Outdoor Institute at

Be an Outdoor City!

Experience the Outdoor Capital of Denmark and develop your own city’s approach. We share our knowledge and support you in developing your Outdoor City in a facilitated and collaborative process.

The Outdoor Sustainability Approach

Learn about Silkeborg’s inclusion of sustainability in outdoor initiatives exemplified by Forces of Nature.

Courses for professionals

The Outdoor Institute’s course offerings focus on how you as a professional can use nature as a resource, and how your organization can develop and embed the right content and framework for an outdoor culture.

Development of nature-based initiatives

As a development and knowledge-sharing center, we have extensive experience in developing and implementing nature-based interventions.

The Outdoor Compass

The Outdoor Compass gives you an overview of the key elements in the development of an outdoor culture.

Evaluation of benefits

We conduct both qualitative and quantitative evaluations based on interviews, questionnaires, participant observation, etc.

Professional presentations, lectures and workshops

Knowledge sharing creates development. So please, don’t hesitated to contact us if you need knowledge about benefits of nature, outdoor health initiatives, etc.